CurbCo Grown into a $10M Company in Less than 5 YEARS!

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4 min read


July 4, 2024

From Paperwork Piles to Efficiency Smiles: CurbCo x IndusTrack


Starting from 1985, when CurbCo stepped into the commercial world, they started off with maintenance, repair, and cleaning services. Much like other commercial contractor companies, CurbCo initially relied on old pen-and-paper processes for all their operations. However, they found themselves stuck in a cycle of repetitive tasks, surrounded by the chaos of paperwork—double data entry, errors on paper, missing information, and lots of issues that come with paper dispatching. They used to spend hours decoding handwritten notes by technicians and constantly calling to track their field techs.

Fortunately, IndusTrack's digital timesheets provided a solution, rescuing CurbCo and its field employees from the tedious task of managing paper time cards. Everything is now recorded digitally. Office staff can easily access timesheet reports to review the time spent by each employee in the field. They can clearly see the breakdown of hours spent on jobs, breaks, and travel. With IndusTrack's digital timesheets, payroll processing has been made easy. It’s all about reviewing time logs and with a tap, approving them all. Now, for the past four years, our field employees have been able to easily hit "Start job" to begin tracking their hours. This streamlined our workflow, saving us hours that would have been spent on payroll calculations.


How IndusTrack GPS Transformed CurbCo's Vehicle Tracking and Fuel Savings

4-1 CurbCo has no way to track their fleet, resulting in a lack of understanding of how far their vehicles were traveling and for how long. Without real-time tracking, they struggled to optimize routes for their technicians. This inefficiency led to increased fuel consumption and time wasted in the field. But when team CurbCo implemented IndusTrack, everything took a positive turn.

It became a matter of seconds to pinpoint vehicles and trucks out in the field. The operations manager always had real-time maps open, tracking the exact locations of vehicles. The breadcrumb report enables them to track the exact routes taken by their vehicles, facilitating real-time optimization for technicians. This optimization not only reduces fuel consumption but also provides transparency into idle times, allowing for informed decision-making.

The expenses that were once eating up the budget for extra fuel and maintenance got slashed by 50%. For CurbCo, IndusTrack didn't just tidy up the office mess; it basically put turbo boosters on growth.


Time is Money and CurbCo Saved Both

12After the successful implementation of GPS tracking, Tom pointed out another hurdle in the path of CurbCo's growth: the struggle to accurately track hours. Their maintenance work often made them visit customer sites even outside regular hours, which made things even trickier. Field workers had a hard time keeping track of their hours and visits, leading the office staff to invest significant time matching job hours with paper timecards for payroll calculations. And with manual hours tracking, there came conflicts. The process of collecting paper timecards and computing salaries for each employee based on their timesheet consumed valuable hours. 

“It wasn't just about keeping an eye on hours. We had no way to verify the time spent in the field,” said Tom.

Fortunately, IndusTrack's digital timesheets provided a solution, rescuing CurbCo and its field employees from the tedious task of managing paper time cards. Everything is now recorded digitally. Office staff can easily access timesheet reports to review the time spent by each employee in the field. They can see the breakdown of hours spent on jobs, breaks, and travel. With IndusTrack's digital timesheets, payroll processing has been made easy. It’s all about reviewing time logs and with a tap, approving them all.


The 5X growth in less than 5 years

3-1In the overall narrative of Curbco's partnership with IndusTrack, Tom and the team CurbCo give a big credit to IndusTrack for reaching a $10 million business status and expanding from a team of 8 to a 50+ member work family. Now, CurbCo is a big name in Michigan, handling commercial, industrial, and municipal contracting, and offering a wide range of pavement construction, maintenance, repair, and cleaning services.

The team praises the flexibility and modularity of IndusTrack's solution that seamlessly adjusted and expanded alongside CurbCo's business growth. Tom highlighted the significant time savings achieved through digital timesheets, reducing manual data entry and enhancing overall operational efficiency. IndusTrack's impact extended to the billing process, simplifying it to a single-click conversion from job to invoice, resulting in faster and more precise billing.

Tom McCarty says, “We want to be a one-stop shop for all of our clients for everything from the front door to the street, and we are glad that IndusTrack shares the same vision with us.”
